Upcoming Webinars - ALCOR FUND


Upcoming Events

How to Drive the Best Valuation and Investor Strategy for the Business

Explore how the best investment strategies increase returns and minimize risk. Help your portfolio grow by driving the best valuation and investor attractiveness to suit your business goals.

Price: INR 1000

Our Speaker

George Molakal

President and CEO
Harvard Business School, Oxford University,
Cardiff University

George has 25 years of Funds and Investment banking experience with Private Equity, Mergers and Acquisitions across the world. He has 10 years’ experience of managing a portfolio of companies across 20 countries. George has built companies into multibillion-dollar companies. George has graduated from Oxford University and from Harvard Business School. George has brought a new perspective to company growth through his Cube-i model of multi-company governance, Strategy 360 and MBi takeover. George is an industry speaker and has addressed the Euro Summit, World Startup Expo and several global forums. George has won social awards from WHO, UNICEF for his Anti-Tobacco activities, widow education, orphan education and care. George is actively involved in charity and philanthropy programs. George has also authored two books and has three books currently in the process of getting published

Past Events

THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 2021 AT 15:00 UTC+2

CROWDCAST: Fundraising & Company Growth with George Molakal


Join us on a free crowdcast with George Molakal, CEO of Alcor Fund.
George brings new approaches to company growth through his cube-model of multi-company governance, strategy 360 and MBI takeover.
Learn more about:
‘Alternate fundraising models for start and scale ups’


Wednesday, January 27th, 2021   11:00 AM CT

How to enter a new market successfully within 3 months

To gain a competitive advantage, business owners must learn about what, where, and how of the new market environment they plan to enter. Join the conversation with Alcor's CEO, George Molakal on how to overcome your biggest challenges while entering a new potential growth market.

Friday, January 15, 2021   10:00 AM CT

5 Top Blunders of Startup Fund Raising

As an entrepreneur, taking risks is almost inevitable in your daily decision-making process. Take the risks, but remember to be strategic about it. Join the conversation with Alcor's CEO, George Molakal on how to become a successful and committed entrepreneur by accepting every failure as a stepping stone to success.

How not to FCUK your Startup with 10 Entrepreneurial Blunders

Join the conversation with Alcor's CEO, George Molakal
On how being an entrepreneur is risky business and every failure is a part of success. If you’re committed to being a successful entrepreneur you will need to take risks to both start, and grow, your business.

How not to FCUK your Startup with 10 Entrepreneurial Blunders

Join the conversation with Alcor's CEO, George Molakal
On how being an entrepreneur is risky business and every failure is a part of success. If you’re committed to being a successful entrepreneur you will need to take risks to both start, and grow, your business.